Friday, March 28, 2008
waduh waduh....

teruk arr network aku ni..
abis sume kena block..
FS, blogspot, newspaper sume kena block..
baik xyah korang buat network ni dol..
sumtime nak jugak aku update blog aku ni..
many things come up lately..
warmest welcome to the new member of the family..
hugs n kisses for u dear.. mwahhh..
to u dear, thanks for the sacrifice..
i know its hurt n if i can, i wanna share it wif u.. :)
to my number wahid,
nothing can replace my love to u..
so jangan le memberontak sangat k..
takkan ada perbezaan kasih sayang terhadapmu..
but kena le share sket k.. huhuhu
tatau nak tulis apa dah..
nanti2 tulis lagi..
to mak, mama n bapak,
thanks for coming..
love u all so much..
posted by zoulle @ 9:23 AM   0 comments
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